Thoughts to Destinations

Thoughts to Destinations

For a long time, there was an intolerable abundance of long and tiring engagements in which the dreadful pile of responsibilities, works, and tasks with maximum demanding was burdening my mind. During this tireless work, the nerves became so weak and stressed that it seemed very difficult rather almost impossible to maintain a relationship with the paper and pen. Before one task was completed a large number of others were in the queue competing with each other to be preferred. Truth be told, I didn't dare to write anything in such a terrible and alarming situation, since my mind was completely overwhelmed with new ideas. And when the minds are darkened, the pens are darkened. So, the darkness of the pen was one of the effects of the darkness of the mind.

At the same time, the thought was continuously running through my mind that the great people, despite their busy schedules, always perform such mind-blowing deeds that bring them to the pinnacle of greatness. The key difference between the great and the common people is that instead of making excuses for lack of commitment based on their busyness, resources, and problems, the greats do whatever they want just because of their firm belief in Allah Almighty, then move forward on the strength of their courage. So, despite the workload, today I am embellishing these few lines to restore the previous continuity.

Having gone through this experience of mine, I have also made this firm intention and determination that from this day onwards, I will not bother to think about it, let alone worry about the volume or difficulty of any future work, rather will have my every belief in Allah Almighty, then will go for what is to be done without any fear.

I realize that for some minds this may not seem to be any extraordinary engagement at all. But the fact is that at least there is a continuity in maintaining the intended or desired level of one's potential. The starting point of the great works seems to be the most usual activity in many cases; however, it holds the glorious zenith of a shining star in the sky of greatness.

So, be the speaker whose voice is carried by the wind to the east and west of the earth, be the light that glows the galaxies and enlightens the skies, and be the thought that inspires the masses to strive for the highest aims and goals. And do not be the mere wind that differs to the ears of the people with the voice of the speakers in that they do not care about it, nor do they know its role with them.

One of the great and unparalleled philosophers of his era, I cannot recall his name right now, has truly said that the existence in life does not mean that a person takes a tunnel for himself in it, the first of which connects to the edge of his cradle, and the other to the door of his grave, then he slides into it from where no eye can see him and no ear can hear until its end is reached, as vermin, insects, and reptiles pass through their life circles. Rather, the existence in life is the sound of learning, telling the truth, attracting the attention, moving the strings of hearts, stirring silent tongues with the truth, moving stagnant pens, instilling the fire of love in the souls of the good, and igniting the ember of hatred for the evils in the hearts of the wicked.

However, it is an undeniable universal fact that the greatness is a palace and fortress which is irrigated with blood and sweat. For this, many desires and relationships have to be sacrificed. Therefore, in the foundations of this palace where the sympathies of like-minded well-wishers are included, in the same way the enmity, conspiracies, and rivalries of the envious, opponents, and enemies are also buried. So, greatness is somehow served by its friends and enemies in two different dimensions. It is a well-built palace raised on two pillars carved out of people’s love and hatred. The foundation stones and the stones that were thrown in its face both contribute their roles in the destination building approach. How strong, stable, invincible, unshakeable, and everlasting this palace and fortress of greatness is, it is decided by circumstances and events, people become witnesses to it, history records the testimony of people in its scriptures, then future generations, based on this historical testimony which will be decreed till the Day of Judgment, build their concepts and establish their deciding opinions about the extent of this greatness to be considered or not.

While talking about the ways of greatness, many imaginary ways have been discussed out of naturally born sentiments. So, no wonder where did the rhetoric come from? The real claimant is the beginning thoughts and the intended destinations. The building of the intended destinations stands on the foundation stones of the beginning thoughts. If the beginning thoughts are clear and sincere then the destinations can also be alive and immortal. Otherwise, the falsehood shows its glimpse for some time and finally disappears. Therefore, in the beginning, the destination should be determined by keeping the intention clear, then out the paths leading to that destination, only those should be taken which become a sign of guidance like the light of day. The ultimate result of this course is that the man consequently reaches his intended destination.

Accuracy of thinking to reach the destination, determination of the destination, identification of the right paths to reach the destination, keeping one's resources in mind, and striving for the goals, with all these factors the greatest thing to have is complete spiritual trust in Allah Almighty. The combination of these factors is the identity of a sincere and courageous person with strong faith. He starts with good thinking and reaches the desired destination. Of course, the destination may apparently seem to be a legitimate goal or objective, but inwardly and spiritually, the real destination should be the attainment of the pleasure of Allah Almighty during all these endeavors. It is necessary to start with this exact point in mind, and based on this belief, the journey to the real destination, i.e. the Hereafter, should be decided.


#ThoughtstoDestinations #philosophy #DrTahirMahmood #Islam #islam-tahir #islam-tahir.blogspot #