A Positive Outlook of Hardships of Life

A Positive Outlook of Hardships of Life

Yesterday, an acquaintance told me the story of his struggle and success. He had faced very difficult situations in his life. But, fortunately, he is a positive thinker, so instead of giving up, he worked hard to the way of success. Due to his nature, our conversation was very constructive. He is a very quiet and silent-nature person, a bit of an introvert, so he told everything in short words. But his story is a foretaste of a situation that could be a turning point in the life of every human being, so I decided to write something on the subject. Due to the strict routine for many days, I was not able to write anything. By the virtue of his story, I somehow managed to free some time to write these lines today.

Sometimes we don't even realize that there is no benefit of Allah Almighty in the suffering and trial of human beings, rather they are for the benefit of human beings, but very few people can realize it. Life goes on most easily with patience and gratitude. If a man understands this secret, then he would have secured a great key for prosperity and success in this world and the Hereafter.

Troubles, trials, difficult times, arduous stages, painful moments, feelings of helplessness, and so many known and unknown misfortunes in the life that man considers invincible, are in fact like a furnace for the production of the purest form of gold after heating in it up. So, being realistic, we have to look at the positive side of everything.

Hardships strengthen a man and reinforce him. People who do great deeds in the world usually went through so many hardships and trials that create courage and bravery for great deeds. Facing the world for great purposes is an extremely difficult task. The most difficult turning point comes when you have to collide with your own people. Like a double-edged sword, the footsteps of great men falter on this bridge. It is another sarcastic side of the story that after someone’s success the very same people who, knowingly or unknowingly, by their behavior have made full and all arrangements for the failure of that person, now they try their best to take credit for that success. Despite all this, if one continues to work hard and takes himself to the extremes of resilience, heights of perseverance, and peaks of steadfastness with sincere intention and regardless of the outcome, then in such a time special grace of Allah Almighty descends from the heavens.

Thanks to this divine grace, there is a special feeling of contentment and devotion despite difficulties in the whole struggle. It is a conscience that empowers man to persevere, to leave the consequences to the Almighty, and to trust in Him with the strongest belief that he does not waste the reward of those who do good.

In any case, the Muslim believes that everything is from Allah Almighty, and in return for every sorrow, trouble, and suffering, the Muslim gets the reward and exalted rank, his status increases in the Hereafter, and he is close to Allah Almighty. He becomes a beloved servant of Allah and gets innumerable rewards for his patience.

But in today's ostentatious and extravagant world, sudden ups and downs, fluctuations, and variations in circumstances are a major cause of frustration. The reason for this is to live in a world of dreams and fantasies beyond the real world, which keeps man in imaginary deception and delusions.

Bright illusions of hopes, desires, aspirations, wishes, expectations, ambitions, daydreams, cravings, aims, and plans, grip his conscience and become so ingrained in his subconscious that man loses himself in this self-made fantasy and imaginary utopian world. This is the starting point for ignoring unexpected facts and neglecting the harsh realities. The bitter truth of the matter is that such a person would be going astray in a wrong direction.

Soon after, he is prone to sadness and despair because the stars seem to be shining in his apparent eyes, and the imaginary sky, filling with assumed light, are not real. If his vision was factual, concepts were realistic, and activities were true-to-life, he would not be exaggerated in his sadness, and if he had softened his gazes on what he saw, he would have seen what he thinks is a shining star is but a brittle lightning. Here for him who do not be dazzled by its rise, would not be distressed by its setting.

If one has taken a vow and covenant from the time that the rotation of the night and day will be according to his desires and intentions, then he may be rightly saddened at the loss of his every purpose or at the time of every difficulty and failure.

But, if someone knows the well-established universal morals of the time in dealing with creation, then he will be well-aware of the fact that there is a constant change and instability in the nature of the universe. Circumstances change continuously from the differences in the seasons to the differences in ages and conditions, an unavoidable process continues. Anyone can face the difficulties of ups and downs, advantages and disadvantages, fluctuations and alternations. Such a real person will move forward with patience. The sorrows of his heart will not flow in the form of tears nor will he cry out in front of others because he will not be the first person to be pierced by the arrows of time.

Now every human being must decide for himself whether he wants to join the mob of ordinary people by giving up in the face of adversity or he wants to get his name on the list of great people by bravely competing with them. Both avenues are open, and everyone is free to decide his future according to his courage and passion.

Success is most often achieved through hard work. There are very few people who are born with a gold spoon and a royal toothpick in their mouth. Finding shortcuts and leverages to avoid struggle is not the way. Therefore, by taking the path of hard work and honesty, everyone should proceed with the utmost faith in Allah Almighty.

May Allah bless us all. Aameen.


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