The Real Fighter

The Real Fighter

The Real Fighter

One of the greatest tragedies and dilemmas of our society is that we waste our precious time and energies on pointless and baseless activities. At times, such stories of pointless differences, fights, enmities, and animosities are created for which there seems to be no rational justification. Sometimes this is due to the slightest non-payment of dues, rights, and responsibilities. While on some other occasions, it is in the nature of some people to fight with others on trivial matters even without any reason as they try to impose their opinion on everyone, even though failures and disenfranchisement in their own lives are a common story. But I don't know why they try to shape the lives of others. By attributing their crookedness and irrationality to the desires of their elders, they try their best to destroy the future of those younger than them. I think now more than the young generation, our older generation needs to understand that if one wants to move forward, his whole life and goals are in front of him, ignoring the time difference, don't get in the way to stop him like an unnecessary barrier. Don't let your ego, stubbornness, arrogance, lack of knowledge, and irrationality become a shackle on the necks of others. Build up the courage to take responsibility for your shortcomings, collapses, and failures, and do not put the burden of your decline on the shoulders of others.

The differences in the territorial, linguistic, racial, regional, and era of humanity are the beauty of this world. Likewise, the differences of human thought and opinion in many worldly matters related to human life are also the beauty of the world and the universe. Therefore, any other thinking should be tested on the criterion of right and wrong instead of personal likes and dislikes. If one cannot distinguish between right and wrong, he should openly admit his shortcomings or remain silent and neutral at least.

Therefore, in human relations, one should not try to find a solution to the problems in conflicts. If someone still cannot digest food without a fight, then he should think at least that the real fighter is identified by his thinking, strategies, and fighting style because his real goal is not to fight people, but to fight the confronting situations and circumstances. He goes through nerve-wracking hardships, encounters merciless storms, crosses difficult gorges that escape is nothing short of a miracle. Therefore, one should not start a fight with the people out of fear of the situation as it may increase the failure, because he may even temporarily silence the others, but the intensity of the boiling hatred and rebellion cannot be reduced in this way.

If someone starts fighting because of a mere difference of opinions, then even no relationship in the world will be left without a dispute. Everyone will run to bite the other, the horrible eyes will confront each other, and harvesting and irrigation of hatred and obstinacy will continue.

There comes the point when every knot is loosened, every loop is cleaved, and every man bears for his opponent the pains of hatred and resentment that troubles his life, deprives him of his sleep, makes him endear the image of death, and hates the face of life. He searches with his hands the layers of the earth and finds no comfort in loneliness, nor a helper for worries.

If you still have to fight, then instead of fighting your people, fight beside them for their rights so that the relationship is maintained. If a person must fight someone, then let him fight defending his people, not confronting them, and politely not avenging, and standing before them in all that comes to harm.

This is the rational basis of a real fighter. So, this should be taken as an eternal rule the color of which does not change, its shadow does not disappear, and substance is not transformed.


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