Silence: An Untold Universal Expression

Silence: An Untold Universal Expression

Silence has its own voice, its own expressions, its own gestures, and its own language. I have been so busy with work since this morning that I have had very little opportunity to talk to anyone, most of the time has passed in silence. When the evening cast its shadows and I got a little relieved from my daily routine, I thought of talking to someone, but suddenly the thought flashed through my mind like lightning that why not make silence the subject of conversation today. So, I began to mold my silent thoughts into words and meanings to manifest them in the world of expression in a written form.

The need, importance, and usefulness of speaking for the good, telling the truth, and expressing one's suitable opinion appropriate to the occasion is undeniable. But there also exists a general thinking widespread in ordinary masses about the silent people assuming that they may be simple, unaware, and ignorant enough to understand the reality of the matters, environment, and events around them. That is why their rights are often tried to be violated and they are often being deceived.

The reality is contrary to this common thinking because there are all kinds of silent people. Some are naturally silent and some occasionally, some are silent in real and some pretend to be silent, some like to be silent and some are compelled to be silent. Some are those that silence glorifies their worth and status, while for some others silence hides their flaws. Some silence has good intentions whereas some silence is a symbol of devilish mischief and deception. Some silence is a hallmark of continuity, fluency, smoothness, and immutability, and some silence foreshadowed a big storm. In scientific terms, it can be said to some extent that some silences are theoretical and some are practical and applied. The nutshell of the word is that silence can be both good and bad, and its causes and reasons can be both good and bad. Today's article reflects this silent side of life.

People who are silent by nature usually have a genetic inheritance of silence. Sometimes the silence gradually becomes part of one’s personality since the early stages of life are spent in solitude. Such people are introverts in terms of personality, accustomed to less socializing and running away from people, lonely, with a very limited circle of friends, they have no interest in spreading relationships and expanding social ties. They have fewer opportunities to communicate, and as many opportunities, as they have, they talk less than usual people.

Some people are silent because they have nothing to say. They are usually ignorant and unfamiliar. They contain layman thinking. Simplicity prevails in their nature.

Some silent people have something to say, they want to talk about it, they have understanding, but due to lack of words or expression, they cannot dare to express their conscience. Shame comes in the way. Despite being oppressed by the times, they can't open lip for their rights. Such people are afraid to say something and seek refuge in silence. Sometimes they are afraid of remorse, they prefer the remorse of silence to the remorse of speaking.

Some silent people are stubborn and egoistic. They remain silent to maintain their stubbornness and do not want to respond to anything against their opinion. Their goal is to remain stubborn and keep quiet so that people will be compelled to agree or tolerate them.

A dangerous type of silent people is those who are deceitful and cunning. They pretend to be silent to deceive people with their cunning tricks. Their silence is against their nature. Therefore, if a person is a sensible physiognomist, psychologist, or sight-reader, he can know the real truth behind this type of apparent silence with little consideration.

Silence also has a lot of good people and pure intentions. This type of silence is for goodness, virtue, expediency, and just to avoid dispute, not to harm others. Such silence is described in a blessed hadith as the cause of salvation and well-being.

The Last Messenger of Allah Almighty, Holy Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) said about this type of silence:

من صمت نجا.

Whoever opted for silence survived successfully.

Therefore, if the purpose of silence is in the form of salvation and well-being according to the result stated in this hadith, then such silence is certainly a means of success and prosperity. But if the result of silence is something other than salvation and well-being, then one should consider his situation whether it requires some changes in behavior.

However, according to this hadith, if we look at the successful silences, we find many of the following good silent ones. Some of them are being mentioned here.

Out of good silent people, some become silent thinking that if they say something then their words will either not be heard or will not be accepted at all, so what is the benefit of talking in such a place? That is why they remain silent. Some people in it think that if they speak the truth, it will be unbearable for others, so they opt for silence to avoid mischief, quarrels, and relationship breakdown. Silence on such occasions is a sign of wisdom and moral courage.

Sometimes silence in nature is dominated by extraordinary qualities such as the dominance of seriousness, the overburden of responsibilities, the highest social or educational status, and the philosophical wisdom and intellect etc. They are silent because there are very few people who can understand what they think according to their highest mental and intellectual level. So, they do not want to waste their wise thoughts and precious words in front of those who are not capable to judge their worth. Such personalities are usually quite impressive.

Similarly, the reason for the silence of some people is that they are hardworking people whose purpose in life is a big goal to achieve and the highest aim to target. So, they do not want to waste their precious time and energy on any unnecessary matters. Therefore, they quietly continue their work.

Apart from these some types of good silent people mentioned here, there are many others whose silence is the foundation of a successful life.

Flowing in these silent thoughts, I silently realized that the black veil of the night covered this day and the impression of silence in the universe became deeper. The deep silence of the night turned my attention to the rotation of the day and night. Contemplating this reveals the fact that the moments of our lives are slipping away from our hands very quietly, and that someday life will silently reach its destination of the end. So, silence is such a reality of our lives that is a universe within itself, from beginning to end, involved in benefits and losses, in truth and falsehood.

In this long string of silent thoughts, I have reached the valleys of sleep, which are pushing me into deeper layers of silence. But in the world of dreams, I am realizing that in the system of Allah Almighty, after the worldly life, the long silence of the grave and the Hereafter also exist. That upcoming life also has to be prepared for, although the last hope is the forgiveness of Allah Almighty.

Indeed, He is the best of forgivers.


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